Lifestyle Alchemy
It is from my own personal experience that I teach, coach, write, and heal.
I’m continuously devoting myself to exploring my soul’s unique medicine, alchemizing life’s inevitable obstacles, and to sharing the lessons with you.
I honor you.
Your Energetic Footprint
The daily intake of both negative and positive emotional energies, which are picked up from the places we go and people we interact with, have an effect on our surroundings, our families, and our own bodies, minds, and spirits.
Yin Yoga for Presence
This is a yin-based asana practice for nurturing the kidneys and welcoming sacred presence into your body and dwelling space. As you move into each shape, allow your focus and intention to be devoted to seeing every part of your physical body as sacred.
Emotional Frequency
Your thoughts and emotions carry a frequency, vibration, and wave. Thoughts are electric. Emotions are magnetic. They can vibrate high in the energy of peace, bliss, and love; and they can vibrate low in the energy of guilt, shame, and anger.
Discovering Your Inner Wisdom
Within us we carry energetic elements we cannot see. Within us we experience thought formations that have no sound. These invisible and silent messengers are the foundations of who you are and how you experience your life.
What Is Alchemy?
Think of alchemy like turning life’s lemons into lemonade; allowing them to work for you, not against you. This can look like forgiveness, a shift in perspective, transmutation, or simply the practice of learned surrender.
On Being Human
There were years of my life for as long as I can remember where I didn’t allow myself to be human. I didn’t allow the people I loved to be human, either. Only perfect. Perfect or unloved.
The Power of Ease
Traveling so much over the past few years has enabled me to see how very little of what we *think* matters, matters. How little of what we *fear* actually happens. And how much of what we fear keeps us from being truly alive during life.
As I sit here in one of the most sacred and beautiful places in the world, I cannot help but consider the reason I arrived here in the first place: connection.
The Most Intelligent Thing We Own
Our body knows how to heal itself. It knows how to heal regardless of our emotional dis-ease or separateness. And if we listen to it’s truth, we will find it’s always right.
Start Your Journey
Prepare to be nurtured, to be loved, and to truly let go.