Leading & Healing From the Inside Out
We’re entering a time in history where there's a profound shift taking place. A shift that emphasizes the importance of understanding why we do what we do, rather than just the actions we engage in.
If you're a healer, a leader, or anyone on a journey of self-discovery, the key lies in leading and healing from the inside out.
Let me explain what I mean.
Authentic Leadership
In my experience, leadership that stems from external teachings often leads to an internal conflict.
This happened to me when I was teaching public yoga classes back in 2019. My personal practice had gone from being in the studio five days a week, chanting with my fellow Jivamukti yogis and hitting all 12 points, to 10 minutes of nonlinear movement followed by 20 minutes of sitting on my yoga mat and crying.
At the time, I had no idea how to share the practice that was emerging from within me. But to walk into a studio and teach one method, then go home and practice something completely opposite, just didn’t feel true or authentic in my heart.
I couldn’t teach someone else’s way, with someone else’s rules, in someone else’s studio. So I stopped.
I began to explore teaching to the part of a person's soul who didn’t need to be told what to do, and simultaneously holding space to reconnect them to this part of themselves. I began to hold a container for humans like me.
And you know what? It resonated.
This is still the work I do to this day; in Full Body Gratitude (my signature yoga class), on healing retreats, and beyond.
As leaders and healers, it's crucial for us to question the motives behind our actions and to embrace a leadership style that resonates with us, first. True leadership isn't about mimicry; it's about a genuine connection with our personal beliefs and values.
A Healer's Best Medicine
I believe that the most potent medicine we can share is the one that serves us personally. On our journey inward, we encounter the process of alchemizing and overcoming challenges by tapping into our internal resources. Every one of us has a unique connection to our well of strength, and it's this authenticity that forms the basis of our healing abilities.
In the new paradigm of leadership, the focus is shifting towards this internal space. It's about understanding and embracing the energies that drive us from within. Anything misaligned with our authentic selves becomes uncomfortable, creating a sense of itchiness and conflict. The path to true fulfillment lies in aligning our actions with our inner substance.
I know, I know. I just used the word “paradigm.” But hear me out.
As we embrace this shift, speaking our truth becomes easier, seeing the reality of situations becomes clearer, and thriving in the face of adversity becomes second nature. We begin to experience a more fulfilling existence in our lives, businesses, and relationships.
Going Deeper
If you’re feeling the call to step more fully into your role as a healer, my upcoming Healer’s Training is the place for you.
This training is a transformative journey to deepen your understanding of your own medicine. You'll be guided by me and my team of experienced mentors and teachers who are committed to your growth and well-being. We will journey together with a myriad of integrated healing modalities from around the world, learning tools and skills that will support in sharing your innate healing gifts.
I’d love for you to join us. Click the button below to learn more.